Latin American Meeting: Brazil Market Update: Trends, Threats, and Opportunities
Latin American Meeting: Insights into Operations Data: How Do You Compare?
Latin American Meeting: Understanding Mobility, On-Demand, and Uber – Can You Take Advantage?
Latin American Meeting: $1 Rates in Latin America: Managing Perception vs. Reality
Opening Keynote Address: Car Rental and the Future of Mobility
ACRA General Session
8 Ways to Improve Your Rental Process
New Mobility Models: Know the Opportunities, Legalities, and Risks
Auto Dealer Day Session: Harnessing Metrics in Your Loaner and Rental Department
How to Win Chargebacks and Reduce Fraud
Using Data and Performance Metrics to Get Rental Agents to “Give a Damn”
Auto Dealer Day Session: Should You Brand Your Rental Operation?
Rate Strategy: Avoiding the Race to the Bottom
Using Customer Data to Drive Direct Bookings and Increase Ancillary Sales
Auto Dealer Day Session: Dealer Panel: The Secret Sauce of Retail Rentals
General Session: Europcar’s View on the Evolution of Mobility
Damage Expense Recovery: Improve Your Process, Recoup Your Loss, and Keep the Customer
Protecting Your Fleet from Problem Renters
Increase Revenue and Reduce Expenses with an Ancillary Business
Win/Win Negotiating Strategies
Closing Keynote Session: Legendary Customer Service Secrets from the Hospitality Industry