With an approach to metrics this book lists some of the questions that need be asked at all levels of the organization to make sure it’s on track to meet the agreed strategic objectives.
Performance-driven IT forces you to rethink how we use the data that we are swamped with every day. ‘Too much information’ is a common cry in business and this title makes a compelling case for reviewing available data sets. Those that are maintained need to be acted on to refocus the organization on the required strategic outcomes along the way, so that the metrics used to measure and manage performance become dynamic.
Key benefit updates
- In an anecdotal manner the author highlights how metrics can be used to drive organizational change and meaningful improvement in service delivery
- The overall theme is utilizing service management statistics for success
- Engagingly written in every day business language , it puts the IT function into a strategic business context
- The publication delivers real-life examples that will resonate with it audience and sets out the methods and processes by which an organization can achieve key transformations